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Draw my life: Average Yemeni Women

This is the story of the average Yemeni women (Mariam) and the hardships she will face due to the inequalities that exist in her country between men and women. Yemeni women are likely to become impoverished, illiterate, unemployed and married young with few rights to divorce, custody or inheritance than to Yemeni men. However, there […]

Marriage is not a Game

Marking the end of the global campaign ’16 Days of Activism’ to combat violence against women and girls, the European Union, UNICEF, and the Lebanese NGO ABAAD came together to raise concerns about child marriage at an event in Beirut where they launched a video animation on child marriage entitled “Marriage is Not a Game”. […]

Plan 18+Ending Child Marriage in Zimbabwe

An estimated 3 in every 10 girls in Zimbabwe will be married by the time they are 18 years old. Child marriage violates girls’ rights, brings the girls’ childhood and adolescence to a premature and unnatural end by imposing adult responsibilities before she is physically, psychological and emotionally prepared.Plan Zimbabwe is working to stop this. […]

Together: Ending child marriage in Zambia

Mirriam is a 17-year-old who, like any other teenager, has ambitions and dreams. She wants to become a doctor. However, where Mirriam lives, child marriage and poverty threaten her chances of getting the education she needs and the future she dreams of. Together: Ending Child Marriage in Zambia is a short documentary that asks what […]

Child Brides in Yemen

Works Consulted http://www.unicef.org/sowc2013/files/Table_9_Stat_Tables_SWCR2013_ENGLISH.pdf http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/341/facts.html http://www.arabnews.com/news/464272 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24870526 http://www.arabworldmedia.org/2013/11/child-brides-in-yemen/ http://www.girlsnotbrides.org/themes/human-rights-and-justice source

UNFPA Yemen Activities Against Gender-Based Violence

One of our Alumni Fahmia Al-Fotih has been busy with her work at UNFPA Yemen, in particular using theatre, videos and public outreach activities to try to end gender violence, child marriage and lack of education for young women. Watch this fascinating short video to learn about some of the work that they have been […]

Come Together Preventing Child Marriage in India

A HAQ: Centre for Child Rights Film Direction and Screen Play by Avijit Dutt This film is based on HAQ’ s project- Strengthening Governance to Prevent Child Marriage being implemented in West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. HAQ: Centre for Child Rights along with its partners Jabala and MV Foundation has demonstrated that with a strong […]

Early Marriage and Spinsterhood in Yemen – الزواج المبكر والعنوسة في اليمن

ماهي الاسباب الحقيقية وراء اجبار الفتيات الصغيرات على الزواج المبكر؟ وما هي الآثار الصحية والنفسية والاجتماعية على زواج الفتيات في سن مبكرة؟ وما هو موقف الدولة من اكراه الفتيات الصغار على الزواج؟ ماذا عن العنوسة ومشكلاتها في اليمن ؟ محاولة الإجابة عن هذه الاسئلة وغيرها في حكاية ” الزواج المبكر والعنوسة في اليمن ” من […]

Too Brief a Child

examining the impact of early marriage on the lives of girls using testimonies from teenage brides and their families in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso and Yemen. source